Welcome to the never-war
The never-war is no longer about war or peace, but about continuously varying scales of conflict. It extends not just to kinetic action (soldiers and tanks) but also to offensive cyber activity. It does not have a defined start or declared end goals, and it often exists without acknowledgement or with only tacit recognition.

Our kids will share a world with Artificial Intelligence. Why is education not preparing them for it?
for all the current hype about AI, today's remarkable large language models (LLMs) are not really it. But they are the start of a fundamental change in who we are, as well as what we do and how we do it, because it will be the LLMs and not us who will finally invent true Artificial Intelligence.

AI as a force for good
It's rational to be concerned about AI, but we need to see the opportunity, too. That's why I'm honoured to be one of the 1,300 signatories to the BCS letter highlighting the benefits of responsible artificial intelligence.